My First … (the Meme Edition): KIOS Blog-A-Thon, Day 20

Today’s KIOS Blog-A-Thon prompt is: Let’s share more in a meme-a-licious kind of way.

To be more specific…

Let’s share the following firsts:9780380645435

  • Your First Job: My first job started at 7am and lasted 4 hours. It was at a local doughnut/ice cream shop and the owner had me filling doughnuts, cleaning counters, scooping ice cream (yes, someone ordered ice cream in the morning), sweeping, and running the register. He was yelling at me and so angry that I didn’t instinctively know what to do. I was 16, and having never worked a day in my life, was mortified. I remember leaving on my lunch break and never going back. Not even for my 1/2 day’s worth of pay.
  • The First Thing to Your Left: A 2-tier end table with my iPhone, water bottle, keys and other objects.
  • Something You Remember About First Grade: Thinking that it was a bum deal and wishing I was back in Kindergarten. I missed art and nap time. Kinda like now.
  • The First book you ever read: Jeez, I dunno. I loved the Clifford series as a kid, and loved library day. Oooh, and I loved those Scholastic book orders we’d get in school. But, I can’t quite remember my first book. Maybe Howliday Inn by James Howe?
  • The First Thing You Do In the Morning: I hate to admit this, but….check Facebook :s
  • The First Food You Knew You Didn’t Like: Liver.  I remember my mom making Liver and Onions and thinking that it smelled good. But the first time I tried it as a kid I think I spit it right out. It felt like some cruel joke.
  • Your First Memory: I remember being terrified of snails. I don’t know what it was about snails that freaked me out. I remember being about 4 or so and crying so hard because I thought a snail was over the doorway so I didn’t want to walk through the door. For years when I was sick I’d close my eyes and see snails. I absolutely love them now, but as a kid, they scared the crap outta me.

Whelp there you are!

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9 Comments Add yours

  1. Helen says:

    I enjoyed reading your firsts. Funny, snails came up for the food one for me.

    1. Ahimsa says:

      HA! That is funny! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. Utterly fun list. I laughed out loud in sympathy of missing art and naps and the cruel joke of liver and onions. How wonderfully odd about the snail memory, but I’m glad you’ve worked that one out.

  3. Wow, that’s so wild about snails! I met a gal who’s terrified of earthworms a couple months ago. You just never know what might end up freaking someone out for whatever unknown reason.

    Also, love the bit about missing art and naptime. They should both be built in as job benefits for adults. We still need ’em!

    1. Ahimsa says:

      I agree Heather. Nap time and art would be awesome benefits. As for those things that creep us out, yeah, you never know what it;s going to be. I heard about someone who was afraid of buttons once.

  4. laura says:

    my first job was in an ice cream parlor – I was 14. It was fun!

    1. Ahimsa says:

      Glad you had fun! Looking back, 14 seems so young but it all depends of the person right? Thanks for swinging by 🙂

  5. Alex Hickey says:

    Love this! I sometimes get ice cream in the morning. ❤ And I'm in favour of art and nap time for all kids and grown-ups.

    1. Ahimsa says:

      Ice cream, naps, and art for everyone!

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