Anzaldúa, Coyolxahqui , and Dorothy: Homecoming and Re-Membering

Earlier this month I attended a conference titled: “The Feminist Architecture of Gloria Anzaldúa: New Translations, Crossings and Pedagogies in Anzaldúan Thought”. Although I only could attend half of day 2, it felt like an intense, and deeply rooted homecoming. I first became familiar with Gloria Anzaldúa’s  work in 1996, when I was an undergraduate student at The…

A “Mourning” Person. Get It?

I have been restless all week. I usually LOVE this time change as I am a morning person and I feel like I am getting more “morning” to ease into my day. But not this year. This year I am as so restless that I know something more is going on. This morning I decided…

The Moon’s Other Half also known as Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

This post is inspired by April’s Pink Moon that so gorgeously lit the night sky last Thursday. I’ve been stressed lately as I’m trying to handle new changes in my life. A new job and different class schedule have me trying to make my life less complicated, but life seems to be quite the opposite….