Spring: New Beginning, Rebirth, and Possibilities

In the northern hemisphere, this year’s Spring Equinox lands on Tuesday, March 19, 2016 (For your exact time visit: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/spring-equinox.html). The Spring Equinox represents equilibrium between winter’s cold bite and summer’s relentless heat.  As you step into the balance, you are also stepping into a time rich with possibility and fresh beginnings. As the cycle of life, death, and rebirth…

A Deeper Call to Being Child-Free

I knew from the age of 4 that I did not want to have children. “I’m going to have puppies!” was my declaration when someone imposed their kid-wanting assumptions on me, when I was just a kid myself (why do people do that?). Throughout my childhood, I didn’t like dolls and preferred stuffed animals. It…

Re-Adjusting: Resurrection and Transformation

If you have ever experienced the death (or loss) of a loved one, you know that your life becomes a series of firsts. First birthday without them, first holiday, first year, and so on. So here I am in my first month without him. These last 30-days have been a slow drip through the surreal….

Speaking of Winter…

Winter is my favorite season, however there is a bitter taste in my mouth about it now. I feel betrayed by the season which I usually find so much comfort in. This winter was a colder than usual one for both my father and I. This winter I turned inward to feel through and gestate…

Earthquakes and Landscapes: Day 1 without Dad

  Today I awoke on my first day home without my father. I had spent the greater part of February in his home 3-hours away, in an unexpected whirlwind of emotional chaos, intense vulnerability, and the eventual release of him as I watched him being taken away for cremation. I know enough to not expect…


  Edvard Munch: “Death and the Child” Most people say “When my time comes, I don’t want to be hooked up to machines! Pull the plug, just let me die!” Oh, but it is not that easy when you, as the family member, have to make the decision for your loved one. In my case,…

The Gifts of Darkness: An Invitation for Self-Care and Connection

During the Winter Solstice we experience the shortest day and longest night of the year. This time of extended darkness (the longest of the year) can bring about mixed feelings depending on your situation. For some, having longer nights brings about little disruption to daily life. However for others, this time can brings discomfort on many levels.  In either case, the Winter…


This year, I will be keeping it low key, soaking in the time off from work, and having a simple Vegan Thanksgiving meal. Not because I “celebrate” Thanksgiving, but because I like food. As I scrolled through the #ThanksgivingWithMexicanFamilies tweets, I began to long for “once-upon-a-time”, when my childhood home was filled with so much…

What’s Wrong With Wanting More?

“What’s wrong with wanting more? If you can fly then soar! With all there is, why settle for just a piece of sky?” Last Thursday night, at the Adventures in Living class at Inner Light Ministries​, Rev. D referenced the movie Yentl, and my heart cracked open as I circled back to a sweet place…